

Click here 查看您是否已登记参加年度学区选举及预算投票 将于2022年5月17日举行 in the HS Gymnasium. 

The 威廉希尔中文 budget development process for the next school year 2022-2023 begins in October and culminates with a public referendum held the third Tuesday in May.


The budget development process begins when the department supervisors and building principals receive their budget packets. Each principal and supervisor is responsible for determining his/her respective school or departments’ needs.


中央办公室行政人员(主任、助理. 负责人等.)与校长会面,讨论他们的预算要求. 另外, all new staffing needs and programmatic needs in relation to the curriculum are also discussed.


每个领域的预算提案都由威廉希尔中文逐行分析. 编制预算草案. 在公开会议和公共预算研讨会上进行讨论. These meetings are advertised and the public is invited to participate and ask questions (see schedule of budget workshops below). After thorough discussion, the proposed budget is adopted by the 威廉希尔中文 in April. Additional public meetings held and all budget questions raised by the public will be addressed.


预算听证会举行. This is a forum that once again provides residents with an opportunity to ask questions regarding the proposed budget. This is typically the last public meeting held specifically for the purpose of educating the community on the proposed budget. 在听证会上可以看到一份逐行打印出来的预算草案, as well as an informative newsletter for residents to use as a guide for learning about the proposed budget. 这份通讯也会寄给威廉希尔中文的每一位居民. Also, 根据州法律, 不迟于选举前6天, a postcard is mailed after the public hearing providing budget and tax impact information, 除了基本的投票信息.

拟议的预算打印件可在威廉希尔中文公共图书馆查看, 透过地区网站上网, at each of the main offices of the school district and can be obtained by contacting the Deer Park Schools District Clerk, 地址:威廉希尔中文路1881号(JFK中学旁边)或致电(631)274-4013.

A budget for the next school year is not official until approved by the community in a public vote. 如果威廉希尔中文平台不能在5月通过预算, the 威廉希尔中文 and District can conduct a second vote (re-vote) the third Tuesday in June. 特区没有义务进行第二次投票. 如果举行第二次投票, the District has the option to put forth the same budget or can opt to reduce the proposed budget. 该地区是否应该选择不举行重新投票, 或者如果预算在重新投票的情况下被否决, 该地区必须以应急(紧缩)预算运作.


Click here 查看您是否已登记参加年度学区选举及预算投票 将于2022年5月17日举行

This year, the vote for the proposed 2022-2023 school year budget and trustee election will be held on 星期二,2022年5月17日年在威廉希尔中文高中. 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. 在高中体育馆(通过游泳池/跑道进入). 出于安全考虑,上课期间所有其他的门都将被锁上.


  • 2022年2月15日-晚上8点.m. 威廉希尔中文高中(预算入门)
  • 2022年3月8日——晚上7:30.m. 行政办公室
  • 2022年3月22日-晚上8点.m. 行政办公室
  • 2022年4月12日——晚上7:30.m. 行政办公室-通过预算
  • 2022年5月10日——晚上7:30.m. 行政办公室-公听会


选民资格 & 登记

威廉希尔中文的居民被敦促在所有学区选举中投票. To cast your ballot in the May 17, 2022 Budget Vote and Board Trustee Election you must be:

  • 是美国公民,
  • 年满十八(18)岁(鼓励符合条件的学生投票)
  • 在投票前30天居住在威廉希尔中文
  • 在萨福克县选举委员会登记投票, 或者在学区注册.

登记 is required if you have not voted within four years in a general election or school election. 了解更多信息, please contact the District Clerk at (631) 274-4013 or check the Board of Elections website at http://www.suffolkcountyny.gov/Departments/BOE 看看你是否注册了.

报名日期为5月17日, 2022 Budget Vote will take place in the below listed building on the following dates/times: 

  • 4月19日,星期二,行政办公室,上午9:00.m. - 1:00 p.m.
  • 5月4日,星期三,下午4:00,行政办公室.m. - 8:00 p.m.
  • 5月11日,星期三,行政办公室,上午9:00.m. - 1:00 p.m.





Applications for absentee ballots for the school district election are to be completed on a form prescribed by the state board of elections and may be obtained by visiting the New York State Education Department’s Website at:



 或电邮至布伦南与区书记联络.l@deerparkschools.或致电631-274-4013. Completed applications must be received at least seven (7) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the applicant, or the day before the election if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the applicant or to his or her designated agent. Absentee 投票程序s will not be accepted by the District Clerk before April 18, 2022. Completed absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk’s office no later than 5:00 p.m. 在选举之日.


根据教育法第2018-d条, 任何在军队服役的人, 包括配偶和家属, 可以在即将举行的学区选举中登记投票吗. A military voter who is a qualified voter of the school district may obtain a registration form by contacting the District Clerk by telephone (631-274-4013), 传真(631-242-6762), 电子邮件(布伦南.l@5i5s.com), 邮政地址:威廉希尔中文大道1881号, Deer Park, NY 11729), 或亲自(在上午8点的正常办公时间).m. – 4:00 p.m.). A military voter who is duly registered may apply for a military ballot by requesting an application form from the District Clerk. Completed applications must be personally delivered or mailed to the District Clerk and received no later than 5:00 p.m. 2022年4月21日. 军人选票必须在下午5点前收到.m. on May 17, 2022 if signed and dated by the military voter and one witness thereto with a date which is not later than the day before the election, 或者不迟于5月17日投票结束, 2022年,如果邮戳或由美国政府机构背书. A military voter may designate a preference to receive a military voter registration form, 申请军事选票或邮寄军事选票, 以传真或电子邮件方式提出登记申请, 投票程序, or ballot.


Election & 项信息

Click here 查看您是否已登记参加年度学区选举及预算投票 将于2022年5月17日举行

威廉希尔中文有七名成员,每名成员任期三年. Candidates for the Board must be qualified voters of the School District and are nominated by petition. Such petitions shall be directed to the clerk of the School District and include the greater of at least two percent of the number of voters who voted in the 2021 annual election, 或者25个人.



  • 必须会读会写
  • 必须是该区的“合格选民”
  • must be and have been a resident of the district for a least one year prior to the election.
  • 在过去一年内可能没有被任何学区办公室开除
  • 不能与同一学校董事会成员的家庭成员同住
  • 可能不是学校董事会的现任雇员
  • 不能同时担任另一个不相容的公职吗


Available on/after February 28, 2022 in the District Clerk’s Office, 1881 Deer Park Avenue. 在来领取请愿书之前,请致电631-274-4013或发送电子邮件 Brennan.l@5i5s.com to set 预约.

提名职位必须由至少25名合格选民签名, or 2 percent of the number of voters who voted in the 2021 annual election of the members of the 威廉希尔中文, 取较大的. 今年, 最少25个签名 are needed.

Nominating petitions for specific seats on the school board must include the candidate’s name and residence, 在请愿书上签名的人的住所, 有待填补的空缺, 包括现任者的名字, 以及要填补的任期的长度. 5月17日, 2022年受托人选举, 请愿可获得三个席位,任期三年, 七月一日开始, 2022. 安东尼·汉高,克里斯汀·罗萨莱斯和杰里·D. 让-皮埃尔将于2022年6月30日到期.

候选人只能提名一个空缺. 提名请愿书必须提交给董事会的特定席位. 呈请书必须送交地区书记 不迟于2022年4月18日星期一下午5点. 第一份竞选捐款宣誓书也将在此时提交. 竞选捐款声明的截止日期为2022年4月18日、2022年5月12日和2022年6月6日. 


“合格选民”是指拥有美国公民身份的人, 至少18岁, a resident of the school district for at least 30 days prior to the election at which he/she offers to vote, and who is not otherwise prohibited from voting under the provisions of Section 5-106 of the Election Law.





7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.